Presidential Leadership Scholar Dr. Adeeti Gupta, a board-certified OB-GYN with over a decade of experience, wants her health care brand and personal leadership project, Walk In GYN Care, to be the Starbucks of women’s health – providing standardized, excellent services across the Nation.
The clinics offer same-day, full-service women’s health care to any woman who walks in. The goal is to provide caring, sensitive, and high-quality health care for women across the United States – and to do it quickly.
“My goal is to get women in and out in about an hour,” said Gupta, who founded the care center in 2014.
When Gupta moved to the United States from India in 2004 to practice medicine, she was discouraged to discover that many women in the U.S. were denied immediate, compassionate care and that the quality level and access to care for some in the United States resembled conditions in the Global South.
That’s when Gupta decided to open the first-ever comprehensive walk-in care center for women’s health.
Gupta’s passion for and commitment to women’s health began during her residency in India, when she decided to study obstetrics and gynecology instead of becoming a surgeon.
“Pursuing gynecology was huge for me because that’s when I realized that women are the foundation of society – of any society,” Gupta said. “Their wellness is key to the future.”
Gupta cites the Presidential Leadership Scholars program as a major contribution to her success at Walk In GYN Care. The program enabled her to improve her leadership skills and relationships with her peers in ways that proved critical to the success of her personal leadership project. PLS also influenced the development of her own values and the core values of her organization.
“My core values for my team are heart, humility, excellence, authenticity, respect, and transparency,” Gupta said. “We celebrate a different value every week at our care centers, and it has been awesome.”
And she’s seeing incredible results. Last year, Walk In GYN Care saw about 50,000 patients across its five New York-area locations and identified several hundreds of cases of breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers that may have otherwise gone undetected until they are already advanced.
Demand for the clinics’ high-quality services continues to grow rapidly. This week, just in time for World Health Day, Walk In GYN Care opened its first women’s health care center in Los Angeles. The bicoastal expansion is a major milestone for the organization and in Gupta’s mission.

Several of Gupta’s PLS classmates from 2019 were present at the ribbon-cutting to support and celebrate Gupta and the success of her personal leadership project – illustrating the deep ties maintained within the PLS network long after Scholars complete their six modules.
Before parting, Gupta shared her personal mantra:
“A woman who is well is complete,” she said. “A woman who is well is empowered. A woman who is well is unstoppable. A woman who is well leads the way to a better tomorrow.”