Matt Driskill

Class of 2019

Matt Driskill has spent his career as a Naval Flight Officer operating the EA-6B Prowler, the EA-18G Growler and the FA-18F Super Hornet. Currently he leads a strategic planning initiative for future acquisitions to address the Navy’s capability gaps. After seeing traditional military training fail to leverage leadership lessons from the corporate world and then consequently watching military friends struggle with the transition to civilian employment, Driskill developed a passion for addressing these issues creating a civil-military divide in America.

During PLS, Driskill continued to develop the Military Leadership Circle and its signature initiative called RAMP, which provides military members with the opportunity to participate in a voluntary military-corporate leadership exchange program. The initiative is designed to facilitate a mutual exchange of ideas between the military and corporate worlds, diversifying the capacity and skills of military leaders, thus enabling them to build meaningful lives and successful careers in the post military transition.

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